Goal is to show you what you need to know about processes, threads, and handles. This file is only used by application and will not appear in other programs. This is a Windows system file that is required for app to run properly. I'm running Process Explorer Linux and I see a DLL with no name and a funny looking icon.It includes an online manual, FAQ, well-documented API.
Software Process Explorer is a robust application with a lot of support options. Developed by a company called Sysinternals, company has a lot of information available for customers about product.
Product Process Explorer 64 bit version has a wiki with a lot of information about application. There are a number of tutorials and help files available online, there is a forum for users to share their issues and ask questions. Product get Process Explorer can be used to terminate running processes. It has a tree view of processes on system. Product can be used to monitor usage of CPU, Memory, Disk, Network, Windows processes. It has a colorful interface that makes it very easy to understand. It displays a tree of processes and their parent-child relationships. It shows a list of running processes and their CPU, memory, disk usage. Software has a mini-map that appears on side of product. You can customize colors of product or make it completely transparent. It has a wide variety of Process Explorer app features that make it easy to explore data of active processes. It displays a lot of information about procedure running on system, including CPU, memory, disk usage. Interface is simple and easy to navigate.
Software Process Explorer downloading for free and is a very easy to use application. Three buttons in top right corner of screen are easy to use. Process properties window in top right corner of screen is easy to understand. Tree hierarchy to right of screen is color-coded to make it easy to understand which processes are running and which are not. Tree hierarchy on left of screen makes it easy to find process you are looking for. Users can view DLLs and memory blocks that are used by a selected procedure. There are a lot of options that can be used to filter process list. It is easy to view a process, all its information. Right pane shows detailed information about procedure selected in left pane. Left pane shows processes running in system. Interface of Windows Process Explorer is divided into two panes by default. Information provided by application is very detailed and thorough. Interface is very user-friendly, user can easily switch from one procedure to another. It displays CPU, memory, disk usage for each process. Procedure tree lists all processes running on system, PID. From here you can expand or collapse a tree by clicking on plus or minus sign, respectively. Procedure tree is displayed at top of window.
Application downloading Process Explorer for Windows 10 has a very simple user interface. You can click on any column to sort data differently. Product has map that appears on the side of soft. You can change the colors of soft or make application completely transparent. Interface is very easy to navigate and it is customizable. Interface of soft is what makes it so easy to use. It is a very popular tool for systems administrators and power users to diagnose and troubleshoot their systems.

UI is a simple window with a menu bar, scrolling list of processes. Product is a non-graphical Windows Task Manager replacement that shows a process tree. Software Process Explorer downloads for Windows 10 and has a rich set of features and is updated with new features regularly. It is a descendant of Program Manager and displays a variety of information about processes, threads, DLLs that are running on system. Application is a "must-have" for any user of Windows. Process Explorer is a process viewer, task manager, and system information tool for Windows that gives you a major boost in troubleshooting and diagnosing a system that is running slower or exhibits less performance than it should.